You are currently viewing Etomethazene


This is a new opioid. It appeared on the market for the first time in February 2022. It is almost twice as effective at treating pain as fentanyl and etazene.

Its structure:


Available on the AlphaBay market: http://fccayuqwcub4ikf6rjafaxld5dwu7relbox64gx45ivwzcbr6w4yn6ad.onion/listing/R2JHT3FINWVxemhWSk1ad01nK29rZz09

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. jack

    Where can I get a sample?

  2. Throwaway

    Are you guys on any other markets than versus? Cause it’s down now, some people are saying gone for good and that it was an exit scam. I would love to still be able to access your products still though.

    1. Throwaway

      Nvm i read through everything you have here

    2. etomethazene

      Alphabay: alphabay522szl32u4ci5e3iokdsyth56ei7rwngr2wm7i5jo54j2eid.onion

  3. High_C

    Do I just need Tor and nothing else to access your store?

      1. Zaranox

        Is this Shop now legit ?

        Hope it will be not down in february when I Place my Order?

  4. T

    You are the best!

    every oder arrived, always great Quality! thanks for your work!

  5. Jason

    How long does shipping take to the usa

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