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Oxycontin or etomethazene?

Look at the pictures. What’s better for your nose? Etometazene is the perfect replacement for oxycodone.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. donald

    oxycodone, it gives you that energy that most opioids dont

  2. PPB

    Wtf is the dose difference that big sniffed compared to oral?

      1. Lel

        Do you guys plan on providing more products of the nitazene class on this website? Considering most are still legal in 95% of the world.

        Stuff like Etazene, Dipyanone, Protoxypyne (also a new one, sp?), etc. I would definitely be interested in all of them! 🙂

  3. Even Reece

    I would like to know prices for all your powder forms of etomethazene?
    Also, are there any other products you’re offering? If so, what are prices?
    Thank you!

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