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What is the history of the discovery of fentanyl

Fentanyl was first synthesized in 1960 by Belgian chemist Paul Janssen, who was working for the pharmaceutical company Janssen Pharmaceutica (now part of Johnson & Johnson). Janssen was searching for a new opioid pain medication that would be more potent and have fewer side effects than existing drugs.

The discovery of fentanyl was a significant breakthrough in the field of pain management. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is more potent than morphine and other opioids, meaning that it can provide effective pain relief at lower doses. It also has a rapid onset of action, which makes it useful for treating acute pain.

Fentanyl was initially approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1968 as an injectable medication for use during surgery and other medical procedures. It was later approved for use as a transdermal patch for chronic pain management, as well as a lozenge for pain relief in cancer patients.

Since its discovery, fentanyl has become widely used for the treatment of severe pain, particularly in cases where other pain medications are not effective. However, its high potency and potential for abuse have also led to a significant increase in cases of fentanyl misuse, addiction, and overdose.

Overall, the discovery of fentanyl has had a major impact on the field of pain management, providing a highly effective option for the treatment of severe pain. However, its potential for misuse and abuse highlights the need for careful prescribing and monitoring, as well as efforts to address the underlying causes of opioid addiction.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. BringThemBack

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    BUT, all those post about the best class (of such potency) made from P. Janssen, should come along some news about other products, old or new, in his memory, don’t your think??? :)))

    1. etomethazene

      That’s my goal. I would like to write more about rc opioids.

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